Harnessing Fire Energy for Health and Harmony

Harnessing Fire Energy for Health and Harmony

The Fire element has been preparing us for a new purification cycle, with its layers embedded within our energy centers and meridian channels. The most balanced state of the heart-mind is Joy. Imbalances manifest as restlessness or heaviness, including depression.

In many ancient traditions, the heart was seen as the seat of consciousness. In East Asia, it was referred to as 'the mind,' located in the chest. Ancient Egyptians, during burial rituals, kept the heart in the body as it was to be weighed on balance scales, while the brain was discarded. They knew so much!

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Embracing Balance and Inner Wisdom

Embracing Balance and Inner Wisdom

Trust, surrender, and become an open system. Disentangle from what you think, as it is not a complete view.

Let's stand up, shake our bodies for a bit, find joy, hold it deep in the core, pull all our power through our energy line, then expand outward and keep going. Always.

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…Paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

…Paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

“…..Can we be willing to go deeper until the loudness of our left-brain ego subsides a little, or even better, can we be willing to expand to include the subtle, gentle voice of our higher minds? In neutrality, we can become deeply present, but deep should not be mistaken as contraction, like going into a cave. Instead, I see it as going into the alignment space within our energy line and then expanding outward where we can experience more, becoming fully aware of what our physical body is processing, paying attention to all of our senses - including thinking, and then begin to include our higher senses, welcoming our minds – the higher vibrations, the faster pulsating frequencies of our source……”

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Ancient Symbolism of the Phoenix - Akh body

Ancient Symbolism of the Phoenix - Akh body

…balancing of polarities, the Yin and Yang aspects through the Djed pillar, the physical body, the sacred container for the highest spiritual light.

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Timing Yourself to Change Vibration Practice

Timing Yourself to Change Vibration Practice

…this intention of offering time for yourself and no one else is imperative. We must become used to honoring ourselves completely no matter what we see, feel, or think…

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New Energy emerging ….dormant energy points, gateways and energy centers are coming ‘back online’…..

New Energy emerging ….dormant energy points, gateways and energy centers are coming ‘back online’…..

…….The emergence and soft activation of these energy points/gateways allows us to mature the low mind ego-life view to the expanded creator view, gradually merging with universal mind view, refining astral, mental, spiritual minds. ……

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…….Have you ever tried to breathe deeply when you experience anxiety, worry, a burst of anger, or when you're simply very busy mentally? You would have most likely noticed that it's not so easy to take really deep breaths. This happens because our chest and solar plexus are tense; they may not feel tense, but the reality is that we get used to walking around with a knot in our chest, solar plexus and lower abdomen. ………

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