New Energy emerging ….dormant energy points, gateways and energy centers are coming ‘back online’…..
A download is a word that is too often used these days. The words we use matter. Since I could remember I've always felt words can't transmit the multi-layered meaning of one's message as it was originally intended, but we must use words to communicate….still…. So, I try my best each day.
Today I want to use the word upload and will share words frequencies from my guides.
I don’t usually share messages from my guides in a non-private setting, as it normally occurs during private sessions. I ‘ve been experiencing deeper freedom to fully express my uniqueness to the larger community as teachings come in and flow.
We have been crossing a threshold. A new/different energy assimilation integration expression-expansion process of energy system is occurring. Purpose to match-resonate the new/different light spectrums. Now, we see the emergence of new energy points - not new - previously hidden, dormant energy points; they act as centers and doorways that resonate and maintain the new light spectrums. Earth vibration expressing these dormant doorways as gateways within and without us - through us. At this time, portions of this wisdom is revealed; it is a fraction of energy information shown to calibrate the remaining distortions. The location of these doorways is intended to upgrade cosmic light spectrums as they flow and navigate through the lower frequency minds continuously in the process of delivering packets of codes/light. Each individual complex will have/has/had a unique delivery system process. The cause and effect map signature of each individual is the key which determines the specific positioning of awakened energy points/doorways.
External doorways to our ears are activating. From specific heart complex points on the outer edge, these connect to the outer ear points through a rising spiral energy line that is constantly moving like a radar signal, picking up every packet of information rising from the heart complex. When the throat complex is purified and we speak empowered quality words that resonate with our true heart vision, the ears capture the voice vibration/tone/pitch. Actual words spoken soon calibrate/align to the messages of the heart complex which in turns more fully expresses our soul's earthly mission through the throat.
Higher mind vibrations can deepen through direct delivery of soul's deliberate messages without as much interference as was present before.
The full system upgrade and regeneration process has been underway manifesting now in a way we can digest and absorb in a deeper, more profound way.
The emergence and soft activation of these energy points/gateways allows us to mature the low mind ego-life view to the expanded creator view, gradually merging with universal mind view, refining astral, mental, spiritual minds.
We are uploading these frequencies through the filters of Earth. Newly shown energy points/doorways spring from the Earth-Mind.
……more to follow……
Images of an energy system were laid-out
New throat chakra system partially shown
An evolved heart chakra system with link to solar plexus system shown
Only partial explanation available in words is possible at this time
Drawing is the raw image I could record at this time… please be patient as I’m clearly not an artist.