Embracing the Sacred Cycle: Honoring What We Release to Welcome What Awaits

Embracing the Sacred Cycle: Honoring What We Release to Welcome What Awaits

….Let's celebrate, bless, and offer gratitude for everything we have lost, whether parts of our physical body, parts of our soul, or the connection to the cosmic mind. Let's return to a state of openness and let the nurturing waters of creation, carrying both Yin and Yang forces, to effortlessly run through us as originally intended. Let's BE present with our own processes of navigating change with a loving mind, patience, and extreme compassion, the kind that can burst walls and towers, the type of fire that burns through all the perceived delusion. Let's find ways to be simple in all aspects of our minds - meaning thought forms, the quality of our emotions, and what we are experiencing in our physical bodies. Let's make time for integration. Our body operates in a reality made of opposing forces; the primary role of all our energetic and spiritual bodies is to facilitate dynamic balance...all the way to the densest aspect of ourselves. Listen deeply for what arises right now as your minds receive these transmissions.”

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Soul Language

Soul Language

We are in an era of leaning more toward listening to our heart and intuition. Life takes us on many paths, and what feels like a crisis might be a deep calling to rediscover the language of our soul. While this journey can be challenging, it is a natural and profound way to operate. I’ll share my personal journey of letting my heart guide my life and welcome you to join the conversation about following your inner wisdom.

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Light Code messages for the 4 - 8 - 8 frequencies

Light Code messages for the 4 - 8 - 8 frequencies

Today, April 8th, 2024, during my morning meditation and training practice, several beautiful messages came to me while receiving symbols, sounds, and light messages.

These messages are my own, and I am delighted to share them with you. I usually draw some light cards after my morning practice, and although I’ve studied these light cards for years and have taken in the insightful description of the wise creators of these oracles, I still let my intuition guide me by listening to my own voice, my guides, ancestors and the Earth. The universe speaks to me through symbols, and some of the shapes, representations, and light messages are my own language. I hope they may strike some beneficial vibrations in your spacious heart and that you may find your own symbol and message within them.

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