Embracing Balance and Inner Wisdom
I became more aware of the importance of balance as I began encountering situations that allowed me to explore different aspects of myself. I'm not just this body and these thoughts that consume my attention. There is another dimension to who I am; there are actually multiple dimensions of who I am and who everyone is. Why do we lose this knowledge when we are children? Later on, through various initiatory experiences, I recognized that our role in this life is to continuously move in and out of opposites into a state of neutrality, zero point, or receptive surrender with no expectations, the least amount of opinions, as I like to say sometimes. Be comfortable creating and resting in the void, then moving back to the top of the wave, back to the void, and so on.
The most valuable work revolves around deepening practices to listen to the mind of the body, opening up to the heart-mind, our soul's voice, and lifting our minds to experience the vastness of our spirit. To support our bodies, to be guided by the gentle, encouraging voice of our soul and wisdom of our higher self, our spirit, we must upgrade what we are consuming, the energies that we choose and allow to be inside our bodies and all around us. That includes the very loud and persistent voice of our programming. The myriad of roles we identify with and the rules we think define who we are.
There came a time when I stopped everything and consciously recognized that everything I thought I knew, including my chosen way of life, belief system, and what society tells us is appropriate, was no longer valid. There came a time when I realized, again, even if just intellectually, was only 1% of what reality truly is, or should I say, whatever I see, think, and hear in my head is actually not really me, universal truth or what I should follow. It no longer fits, even if I don't know what this means yet.
I just knew. I felt like I was in a super-tight T-shirt and needed to change it. But what would the change be?
Looking back, I know I was being guided; by whom? By my higher self, my soul, and spirit. There is no coincidence. I learned mindfulness and was then led to ancient energy cultivation practices that changed my life. I am still learning, and that will never end. My immense desire to grow, whatever that meant, made me recognize that my determination was driven by the inspiration to know myself more, and in doing so, I began to teach others what I learned and how I learned. This is why I chose to teach, and recently, I finally decided to step out of my cave and share my thoughts with the world through the book Beads of Light.
Expanding who we are allows us to recognize where and when we need to gain balance. We may master balance in some aspects of life. We may be highly skilled and return to balance when we are embraced by a retreat-like setting, in nature, and in deep contemplation. The questions that can be asked daily are, what is my nature, and what do I want to create? Where can I bring more balance today, and how can I make myself more comfortable? When our first priority is to check in with our heart, body, and spirit to see where we need more alignment and calibration right now, our life changes completely.
I speak of diligent practice, which I call training because it is about diligence. Our life journey and growth is an exceptional story. Our attitude toward ourselves and our life should really be super impressed with who we are. Yes, that's right, even the sad moments and the excruciating times, just like when we experience triumphs. Why? Because we are creating our own journey and growth edges. We are not puppets, nor should we settle for that concept. We chose to be here for the opportunity to grow. Growing means to fully restore the shattered pieces of our soul, allowing us to be the torchbearers for our ancestors. How amazing is your story, they say? We are so sorry you are carrying such heaviness from our story, but you don't need to do so anymore. You have the key to freedom. More of your soul's voice is available to you now. Create your vibration untangled by others' stories.
And what is freedom in your mind? When you read this word, what vibration reaches your heart? Is your head forming an opinion first? That's ok, of course. We must first watch what our thoughts grasp, then return to the neutral, less opinionated seat.
We can choose and change our minds when we are exposed to more of who we are, and when we expand our light to hold more of our true essence, that's when we can see more of what must be revealed at the moment. When you see more, there is another opportunity to choose what is right and aligned for you. The previous choice may have had a meaning and purpose then; does it still fit now? If the answer is no, then change is needed. The fears, doubts, worries, and ego identification framework with society, programming, and the rules of life will resound very loudly and inevitably make total sense. The truth is what the mind of your body and heart know; that is the truth for you, and nobody else can tell you what that is. So, if a change is needed, jump. Let go, trust, and surrender. It's the most challenging choice ever. But it is the right jump for expansion, growth, and evolution.
Remaining at the status quo for a bit longer may be necessary, but then things become more uncomfortable. There is no mistake and nothing to fix; we simply need to move on, step forward onto another path, and create what we want.
Our inner wisdom, guided by the purest, highest quality of vibration in the universe, continuously speaks to us and presents us with signposts. This one didn't work, that's ok, she must be so tired, she can't recognize us, we will try again. With such love and compassion toward us, running around here, behaving as little puppies, lost and distracted by this or that, solely focused on the 1%. It's endearing, but it also makes me feel so humble. Wow, you're still there for me, no matter what, while I'm still here whining about nothing! In this moment, hug yourself and relax. You're entitled to whine, but then move forward from that. Step up and out. I see now, in this moment. I am encouraged and feel strength, hope, and tremendous power within. Yes, it's right. It's exactly what I should do, and I can and will do it. This feeling is the only fire we should follow, and then magic begins.
Trust, surrender, and become an open system. Disentangle from what you think, as it is not a complete view.
Let's stand up, shake our bodies for a bit, find joy, hold it deep in the core, pull all our power through our energy line, then expand outward and keep going. Always.