…Paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

The truth is that our bodies hold a lot of information, processed and unprocessed - we have an important job and responsibility, which is paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

In order to properly digest information, we may use other types of energy-technology for us to make improvements, to upgrade. We may not need to fully recall every detail of the past to overcome traumatic events, returning to outdated frameworks. Maybe it’s no longer useful to continue to avoid or neglect parts of ourselves, and we can certainly begin to stop identifying with ideas such as, my grandmother had it, so it’s my destiny; it runs in the family genes; I’m old; I have a disease; I had an accident; my wife left me; my father doesn’t love me; I can’t find my purpose in life; my children despise me; I don’t want to be here.

Words carry vibrations, just like all thoughts and emotions. We can help our body open up, release, and nourish its natural healing qualities by recalibrating the sources of information. This requires us to be fully centered and grounded, by cultivating a neutral level of consciousness.

Neutrality is a sense perception just like touch, smell, or eyesight. We can develop and stimulate our neutral senses through this type of training or body stimulation. Can we be willing to go deeper until the loudness of our left-brain ego subsides a little, or even better, can we be willing to expand to include the subtle, gentle voice of our higher minds? In neutrality, we can become deeply present, but deep should not be mistaken as contraction, like going into a cave. Instead, I see it as going into the alignment space within our energy line and then expanding outward where we can experience more, becoming fully aware of what our physical body is processing, paying attention to all of our senses - including thinking, and then begin to include our higher senses, welcoming our minds – the higher vibrations, the faster pulsating frequencies of our source.

I do see this whole process as very natural, and everyone experiences it in their own unique way. It’s the evolution of becoming. We’re unfolding into more of who we are. As we continue to remember the vibration of our essence - entering this aligned space, focusing within then expanding outward - we can recognize presence as a sense perception as well. Through pure, sincere devotion to our higher consciousness communication channels, we can continuously evolve, learn, and grow. It’s a natural level of mind we must remember and connect to as if our life depended on it, because it actually does.

All of this describes the beauty of work that encourages our bodies to heal – the physical form and the energy and spiritual bodies. I’m only sharing my personal experience, and I feel very strongly about this. Sometimes in our lives when we need a special type of guidance, specific outside resources to show us something, maybe even the help of medicine to allow us to get to a space where we can sleep, rest, and reset our nervous system and think a bit more clearly. I have gone through many of these processes myself, and feel so glad I did because it helped me when I had no other tools available. However, there is a time when talking about our wounds is no longer useful. The body wants to help us become the best we can be. Holding a pattern of worry, anger, and sadness will inevitably ask us to pay close attention as it comes to the surface. Inflammation, a twisted ankle, a strained muscle, a degenerative disease, and so on. There is no such thing as an accident or mishap.

One thing that I will do my best to convey. We never, ever, did and are doing anything wrong. There is nothing to fix. We are not failing if our body is hurt, if we have inherited a disease, if we feel lost within our heart, or are processing deep heartbreak, which may manifest in anger and resentment. Our job is simply finding a way to love ourselves more, how much? As much as we can and then, from there, expand even more so that we can embrace more of ourselves.

Wearing our trauma as a backpack is a heavy burden that may prevent our growth. We can’t see it all the time; it’s back there, and we may unconsciously work so hard to keep it there, but it’s heavy, no longer relevant, and it’s time to leave it behind. We tend to identify with what happened to us and stay in the past. I strongly believe it’s essential to uncover the root cause of sorrow, but I also strongly believe (and experienced) that if we can recognize with our entire being, not just with our head, that we are not limited to our story in this life, that we are much more that the story, deep healing can occur. Our story may not be entirely ours, how true is this story, really? Are we wearing someone else’s ideas? No need to overthink now. Opening and softening is what needs to happen. More light cannot enter if we’re contracted and identify with the small mind. Open and soften, it’s time.

Excerpt from BEADS of LIGHT, Chapter 12. A Turning Point


Embracing Balance and Inner Wisdom


Ancient Symbolism of the Phoenix - Akh body