Embracing the Sacred Cycle: Honoring What We Release to Welcome What Awaits

Embracing the Sacred Cycle: Honoring What We Release to Welcome What Awaits

….Let's celebrate, bless, and offer gratitude for everything we have lost, whether parts of our physical body, parts of our soul, or the connection to the cosmic mind. Let's return to a state of openness and let the nurturing waters of creation, carrying both Yin and Yang forces, to effortlessly run through us as originally intended. Let's BE present with our own processes of navigating change with a loving mind, patience, and extreme compassion, the kind that can burst walls and towers, the type of fire that burns through all the perceived delusion. Let's find ways to be simple in all aspects of our minds - meaning thought forms, the quality of our emotions, and what we are experiencing in our physical bodies. Let's make time for integration. Our body operates in a reality made of opposing forces; the primary role of all our energetic and spiritual bodies is to facilitate dynamic balance...all the way to the densest aspect of ourselves. Listen deeply for what arises right now as your minds receive these transmissions.”

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…Paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

…Paying attention, not with thinking alone, but with feeling.

“…..Can we be willing to go deeper until the loudness of our left-brain ego subsides a little, or even better, can we be willing to expand to include the subtle, gentle voice of our higher minds? In neutrality, we can become deeply present, but deep should not be mistaken as contraction, like going into a cave. Instead, I see it as going into the alignment space within our energy line and then expanding outward where we can experience more, becoming fully aware of what our physical body is processing, paying attention to all of our senses - including thinking, and then begin to include our higher senses, welcoming our minds – the higher vibrations, the faster pulsating frequencies of our source……”

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Ascension: A Circular Process

Ascension: A Circular Process

……instead of one line connecting these portals, we can think of this process as a pyramid. A strong foundation to hold and sustain elevated light – the square representing the Earth, the triangle representing the higher elements of our Essence. The pyramid generates a circular movement within and around it which allows us to access our multi-dimensional being…………

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