Allowance as the Key to Spiritual Embodiment and Manifestation

Each month, I share an inspired dream message, followed by reflections and spiritual practices to help integrate the channeled principles.

The guiding theme for this transformative year, 2025, is Self-Acceptance—you can read more about it HERE. By keeping self-acceptance at the forefront of our awareness, we learn to trust our unique path, guided by our higher Self and spiritual support systems. This trust allows us to move through our journey with curiosity and openness, embracing more of our true essence along the way.

In this month's message, we'll explore the concept of Allowance and how it supports the conscious choice of fully accepting and embodying the life force that flows through us. When we align with the Cosmic Intelligence and the divine rhythm of the universe, we become open conduits for spiritual energy to express through our physical being.

Dream message for March 2025

Inspired Message

~ Allowance ~

Delivered with this particular word instead of allowing or allow.

Allowance is the embodiment of full acceptance of the life force of the Comic Mind running through the body and in all layers of dimensions. Allowance merges physicality with the fabric of High-Love-Light force that is Life itself, the ultimate intelligent force of the All.

We can also say it this way: embodiment is the force that facilitates the flow of spirit through the physical and merges with the expression of spiritual intelligence into the world of matter. It enables the movement of the true Self through apparent polarity and encourages this phenomenon in others.

When one becomes the spirit embodied in full awareness of who and what she is, fully aware of her true nature, the positive effects on others around her are magnified so that Life begins to manifest what the true Self wants to express in a more prominent way. It's the internal recognition of 'yess, I am here to be my highest expression', and that affirmation changes reality.

You feel this power in moments of transcendence. You feel it when you are in heart-knowing, in true Mind, in recognition of your essence. You feel it when you in-gather the breath of the Cosmos and sense the shift in vibration. This allowance is manifestation, but you're not 'doing' anything in this case; you are simply one with the flow of Life that provides immense light and power to the world.

You are becoming a more open funnel for the Cosmic Mind to express that which is your true nature. You are in the place of saying Yess! To your acceptance to growth. When full coordination of the invisible is merging with the manifested matter. You say yess to the full expansion of your light, which can only be possible by becoming light-filled with recognition.

You remember and are fully aware that this light has always been there, and you've covered it up with debris through
Time. The fabric of Time indicates the flow of frequencies that deliberately design the most purposeful mechanism for your becoming into light once again. Trust and Study your own flow of Time.

You are the vibration of allowance.

Thank you.


The Path of Allowance: Embodying the Flow of Spirit

Allowance holds a sense of complete acceptance of the infinite intelligence that holds worlds together, the force that inspires the All. Embodiment represents a clear understanding, recognition, and honoring of this highest form of Life, what I always refer to as the Cosmic Mind, Infinite Intelligence. This divine force infuses our beautifully designed physical bodies and operates through our unique energetic and spiritual structures, serving as a bridge for open communication and flow.

We are now at a stage where we are more equipped to say YESS (with two 'S's, as it was presented to me visually very clearly, and despite attempts to change it, I felt compelled to leave it as such). This represents a full-hearted commitment to a new way of being in the world, one described as aligned, balanced, and consciously enthusiastic about growth. This growth, while transformative, is not without its unsettling moments, and yet these moments are exactly what propels us forward.

Take notice of experiences of deep connection to your essence, times of transcendence, heart-knowing, and vibrational shifts. These are signs of alignment with your true Self.

When we embody our true Selves, we magnify positive effects on those around us, inspiring others to recognize and express their own inner light.

Remember, your light has always been present. It is time to release the "debris" of separation and illusion, allowing your essence to shine fully.

We no longer need to dwell on or re-process what happened to us in the past. We are in a time of stepping beyond that framework of consciousness. The old ways of processing wounds and misguidance are being replaced by elevated mechanisms and processes, new healing technologies that are coming back online within us. These refined processes enable us to expand our growth edges in a more aligned and graceful way.

When we feel harmony with the flow of Life, experiences begin to support us effortlessly, without striving.

In every moment, spirit and matter merge and dance, offering opportunities to observe and be present with these two frequencies of consciousness within us. By remembering and celebrating the universe as the intelligent merging of unseen worlds with the physical realm, we become more coherent and whole, allowing divine intelligence to flow through us as it was originally intended.

As discussed in my first book Beads of Light, consciousness is movement. Our natural state is to flow, to experience the dynamic balance between the divine cosmic forces of Yin and Yang, within and without. This harmony creates a more pleasant, meaningful experience during our time here on Earth as we continue to re-learn who and what we truly are, which is sometimes so challenging.


Spiritual Practices to Encourage Allowance

Mindful Movement Practices for Connecting Spirit and Matter

Practice qigong/kigong, yoga, or any other mindful physical movement while maintaining a state of presence and neutrality. Perhaps this practice can begin with some form of direction (forms or postures and sequences), then shift your focus on the flow of energy within and without as you move. Feel the breath, notice sensations, and visualize the energy of the Cosmos infusing your body with light. Listen to your body, observe what arises from movement, and notice any visual images, emotions, or thoughts that emerge.

Allow movement to become an act of affection toward yourself, an embodied devotion where your physical form aligns with the unseen currents of universal intelligence. As you transition between movements, imagine your body as a vessel through which the Cosmic Mind flows freely, dissolving rigidity and inviting effortless expansion. We are truly what I call a transfer device. If resistance arises, meet it with curiosity rather than force, recognizing that even stillness holds movement within it.

Energy moves the body; movement originates from the Cosmic Intelligence animating our body, this magical container of light. Enjoy the process, breathe deeply, and deepen your sense of alignment, presence, and neutrality. With each breath, you are sharpening your awareness of spirit merging with matter to bridge the vastness of the unseen with the intimacy of your physical form.

As you continue to practice, you will feel yourself pushing boundaries and growing more liberated and empowered each day. The body becomes an instrument of allowance, open, receptive, and attuned to the greater flow of Life.

Inner Light Activation Practice in Stillness

Visualize releasing the "debris" of illusion and separation, imagining your inner light shining brightly, filling your body, and expanding outwards.

Close your eyes and bring your awareness inward, sensing the luminous core of your being. This is the boundless force, the essence untouched by external circumstances. With each inhale, draw in the breath of the Cosmos, fueling this inner brightness. With each exhale, allow anything that obscures your light—old patterns, limitations, fears, and doubts—to gently dissolve, carried away like mist in the morning sun.

Repeat affirmations such as, "My light has always been present. I release all that dims my true essence." Let these words vibrate throughout your being, not only as statements but as activations of remembrance. With every breath, feel yourself expanding beyond the physical boundaries, merging with the vast ocean of Cosmic Intelligence.

Breathe deeply into your energy line, the pillar of light connecting you to the whole universe. Imagine this pillar extending infinitely above and below, anchoring you to both Earth and the higher realms. As this connection strengthens, you may begin to sense internal harmony, a knowing that you are both fully here and infinitely beyond.

Through this pillar of light, you expand outwards, forming a sphere of brilliant light. This light is not separate from you; it is you. It has always been you. And as you allow it to shine without resistance, you step into the fullness of your cosmic embodiment.

Beyond these practices, you may also find it supportive to explore energy healing modalities, cultivate gratitude each day, and discover new ways to encourage the consciousness of allowance in your daily Life. Each will offer its own path to deepening your connection with the flow of spirit and matter.

Remember, these are just a few of the many practices that can reinforce these messages and guide our inward journey. You might already have your own precious routines and rituals that bring you to a place of spaciousness and joy. Sometimes, we need simple and effortless practices. I'm happy to share a few ideas, but there's a whole world of possibilities out there.


Trusting Change, Finding Strength, and Aligning with the Earth's Energy


Polarity Breathing: Harmonizing Opposites to Awaken Inner Resonance