Polarity Breathing: Harmonizing Opposites to Awaken Inner Resonance
The Breathing Practice
Focusing inward, visualize two beings of light on your mind screen, moving in flowing, wave-like motions—these are the polarities.
As you breathe in, these polarities merge into each other along the energy line. With each exhale, a pillar of light emanates outwards, blending their essence at the center, creating an intense beam of brilliant light. This unified energy, of which you are an integral part, radiates outwards, imparting the essence of oneness—representing the unity of the polarities and the resulting third state of being—to the energy structures surrounding you.
Imagine these polarities as fluid, plasma-like beings, gracefully converging like palms meeting from the heel of the hands to the fingertips. Feel their connection and the energy flow as they unite within the pillar of light.
As this pillar strengthens and expands, visualize it beaming upwards toward the Cosmos and downwards toward the Earth, growing more powerful with each breath. This process signifies the integration of polarities into a singular universal channel of light, facilitating a state of awakened, receptive surrender, self-acceptance, and expansion. A consciousness conducive to receiving spiritual guidance in the universal quantum field, awaiting our call. The call that can be explained as the calibration of our vibration into alignment with the higher planes, where our higher Self and guidance team reside.
Through Polarity Breathing, we establish a third point of awareness where spiritual instructions effortlessly flow into our golden manifestation sphere. This magnetic, energetic-spiritual structure welcomes all incoming assignments and mission tasks into the world of matter.
Enhance your spiritual journey by mastering Polarity Breathing. Visualize your polarities converging into the pillar of light, bridging the Cosmos and Earth. Practice until you become familiar with the shift in vibration of the awakened, receptive surrender state. Brighten your pillar of light and radiate its brilliance to the depths of the Earth and the heights of the Cosmos.
At first, practice this type of energy breathing in stillness. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience, sensing the merging of polarities and the expansion of light. Then, as you become more attuned to its flow, begin incorporating it into different activities, such as walks and any other activity you regularly practice, letting the rhythm of your breath and movement deepen your connection.
I have been personally integrating this visualization and breathing method into total body vibration training—the ancient QiGong (KiGong) practice known as 'shaking.'
As some of you know, it is one of my favorite practices as it feels like recalibrating a tuning fork, our energy line, inducing a deep state of spaciousness and presence.
I look forward to sharing the experience of Polarity Breathing with you during Vibration training during our private sessions.
After completing Polarity Breathing, take a moment to write down any feelings, thoughts, or images that surfaced during the practice. Self-reflection is an important part of self-discovery, and it helps to anchor the experience, bringing greater clarity to the subtle shifts within.
Once you feel comfortable with the process, consider consciously introducing a specific energy into the energy line—something that feels bothersome, a worry, a concern, any uncomfortable state of being or situation that needs recalibration and balance.
Allow this energy to merge with the polarities, surrendering it to the pillar of light. Observe how it transforms as it becomes part of the unified field, radiating outwards in its highest, harmonized form.
Continue this practice, and over time, imbalances, distortions, and misperceptions naturally come into greater harmony.
Clarity emerges, revealing the growth opportunities available and the steps needed to cultivate a deeper state of harmonic resonance within, the ultimate frequency of Balance, aligning us with our highest state of being.
Consider the following questions:
In what ways do you notice polarity in your environment? What symbols present themselves for self-study and reflection? What are the most significant contrasts in your life? Bring these forms into your energy line to recalibrate.
We are not seeking to eliminate polarity, as it is the very fabric of our existence here on Earth. Instead, we are called to cultivate dynamic balance and greater harmony on all levels of our Minds.
The images in this post are part of this recalibration, nurturing a deep sense of self-acceptance in honoring all aspects of our being as precious and whole.
We hold immense wisdom within that allows us to walk any path with clarity, courage, and trust.