Tuning Into the Vibrational Essence of Who You Are

The Soul’s Name: A Symphony of Light and Sound

In my quiet morning meditation, I suddenly receive a drop of bright light rippling outward in all directions. I welcome simple guidance on how to simplify the process of tuning to our soul's rhythm, a unique pattern of energy and vibration that is inherent to each individual's soul.

This rhythm, often underestimated, misjudged, and minimized, is, in truth, the central focal point of our spiritual evolution.

There are countless ways to connect to our soul's frequency. Each of us may have a preferred method, and we might even experiment with new approaches along our journey. Yet, within the spiraling cycle of growth, some may find themselves at the tightening point, the contraction before the next phase of expansion and growth. In these moments, the wisdom of simplicity offers us a gentle reminder: soul connection is not a task but a natural process that unfolds with ease if we let it.

The inspired messages received are especially relevant to share because so many are swayed by a misperceived desire for structure while trying to incorporate spiritual practices in daily life. Perhaps this need for structure is a way for the left-brain ego to feel secure, to grasp onto something tangible. But when we allow ourselves to move beyond structure, venturing into the imaginal realms - the spiritual aspects of who we are, and exploring ways to connect to the magnificence of our true nature - we can entertain the idea of being more fluid, moving outside of structure-like thinking and flowing in the dynamic balance that is cosmic consciousness, a never-ending wave of intelligence that requires a pure flow state, no rules, the receptive surrendered state of not knowing, and powerful, radiant trust and faith in ourselves.

These concepts are far removed from making a list of what we should do to be more mindful, for example.

Instead, we can tune into what we need now and listen.

With more clarity than a decade ago, I now understand the value of sincerely asking myself specific questions and patiently waiting for guidance to express itself in my internal world or noticing the external manifestation as beautifully crafted messages just for me. These questions are not to be weakened or undervalued by the plainness of the language they are presented with.

Truly feel what arises when you diligently and humbly ask: who and what am I, and what do I want to create? What does it mean to have my soul lead my life? How do I know to trust my heart? What brings me joy? Do I even know what joy is? How do I know the difference between thinking and heart-mind? What is the mind of my body telling me right now?

And so I find myself increasingly driving others to dive deep and then go even deeper.


Because what could be more important than discovering a path that truly aligns with who we are? One where we lead with our authentic voice, pursue soul-inspired action, and move forward free from regrets, doubts, and fears.

Below are my inspired messages, and I hope you can find some internal openings with beautiful messages of brightness just for you. If this soothing guidance resonates so strongly with me, it may also move others.

When you hear the sentences 'angels and guides are calling your name’ or 'answer the call,' what does it mean to you? What messages do you gain in quiet reflection?

The soul has a name, yes, just like Enrica Elisabeth Ferruzzi is a name. We may not be able to attach language to an eternal conscious being as language is a linear construct of the mental body. Although we can be poetic and illustrative, we can't properly encapsulate the name of a soul in words.

I often experience the languages of light as being more specifically resonant with the soul's messages than English or any other earthly language. This is because light language is a form of multidimensional soul technology. This cosmic communication system operates through light and sound frequencies, bypassing the lower bodies and connecting directly with the higher-frequency bodies.

The soul's name is a composition of light and sound spectra, geometry, and alive intelligence operating as a wave of knowing.

Higher consciousness beings, guides, angels, and the Earth call us by sounding our name. I envision this as pluking a chord on a star-lit lyre. The invisible force of the cosmos, holding the infinite wisdom of many councils of beings, sounding the frequency of who we are. This is the call. When angels sing our name, they engage with the light, sound, and vibration that is who we are, and each soul is unique, just like our physical fingerprints.

When we resonate with the light, sound, and vibration of our soul, we are answering the call. This is not a phenomenon reserved for special or expert individuals. It is our true nature. Each of us is being guided to adjust, recalibrate, and tune to our own soul's frequency, whether this process is created with unconscious or conscious effort. We all have the capacity to do this, and I feel like this natural process is being greatly enhanced and magnified.

Recalibration and tuning present an opening that occurs when we sincerely and lovingly manage the balance between the polarities within us, cultivating a space uncontaminated and decluttered by the lower-level minds. A beautiful opening presents itself as a gateway. Vibrating with our soul's name bursts into openness the shell of our left-brain ego personality construct and empowers us to flow with the currents of light and sound frequencies representing more of who we are.

In ancient Egypt, the name was one of the nine spiritual bodies on the mental plane - Ren. It was often kept secret as it was purely sacred, imbued with the breath of the cosmos, holding the true power and destiny of one's being. In many ancient East-Asian traditions, the name carries the frequency of the soul's mission and the power of the responsibility it carries.

The name combines all light spectra sourced from the infinite cosmic mind and speaks of the force of our own unique vibration. Power translated as light. As we in-gather more light (in-power/empower), we not only become brighter, but this soul technology enables us to enter the expanse of our true power, a seat of knowing and transcendence.

Although we use the term 'name,' we must access the multidimensional elements of what a name represents.

As we operate with two brain hemispheres and continuously navigate between matter and spirit, we have become rusty to the most natural communication system in the universe: sound and light frequency, the language of the soul. Forgetting who and what we are upon entering the earthly life includes forgetting our name, our soul's frequency, mission, and power.

A Simple Practice

Reflecting on the words, answer the call of your soul, I invite you to visualize a beautiful, brilliant energy line, your pillar of light in your mind screen. Connect the cosmos with the Earth through the body and allow this energy flow to come and go, give and receive, running effortlessly through your vertical alignment axis. This is the fundamental energy alignment we can calibrate daily.

From the central pillar of light, expand outward, visualizing your multi-layered energy and spiritual bodies, growing brighter and brighter. The energy line runs the vertical communication system; the sphere of light breathing with the whole universe gradually pulses outward, becoming brighter and brighter. You are elevating the quality of light and sound emanating from your entire being.

Sincerely ask for the cosmic mind to cleanse your pillar of light and push away any detrimental energies; visualize this process, and patiently pause and breathe.

Then, ask your guidance system to help you elevate your vibration to match the call. Humbly ask the guidance system to help you tune to that magical, known, loving song of your true essence. Notice what appears on your mind screen and witness the feelings in your heart. Gently push away any thought forms that may intrude and remain present with this exchange as you are literally being played to harmonize with your soul’s melody. Relax and enjoy.

Breathe, and as you merge physical and energy breathing with the whole universe, you refine the quality of light and sound; you are tuning from within, expanding outward to meet the beacon of light, your soul's name.

This process may be seen or perceived as someone doing something to you, but our soul directs this experience with the loving support of other high-frequency beings and guides who are part of our same mission. We've asked them to guide us in fine-tuning to our original essence. We’ve asked them in the planning phases before this lifetime. We’ve asked them again in our quiet moments—through dreamtime, through meditation, through prayer. And they answer, always, in ways that help us remember who we are.

We can trust and know that the driving force behind this natural process is the pure, loving heart-mind energy attunement, accepting recalibration in order to move forward to the next phase of evolution.

Answering the Call of Your Soul

Ask your guidance system to help you elevate your vibration to match the call. Humbly ask the guidance system to help you tune to that magical, known, loving song of your true essence.

Here in the physical body, we may think of ourselves as small, limited by matter, and confined by the finite external aspects of life. Yet, returning to a state of receptive surrender to the vibrational signature of our essence, we open a space for consciousness to expand and recalibrate, aligning us with the most authentic expression of our name.

In this space, you will simply be and observe, using your spiritual ears and eyes to take in what is being offered.

Practice this visualization daily, and allow time for the tuning to occur. It may only last a split second sometimes, but you may be offered a journey of revelation, release, acceptance, and love. As you practice with deep focus and intention, your natural ability to match this frequency becomes stronger, and it is increasingly amplified as you open up more and more.

The longing for being more connected is filled with a sense of peace that goes way beyond any logical understanding. It becomes a higher voltage battery charging station, gifting a surge of light recognizable yet inexplicable, and you become more aware of how life constantly shifts in ways to support you on all levels.

It brings you closer to your soul's essence - closer to the infinite light that has always been within you, waiting for you to return home.


Reflections, Insights, and Practices for Embracing Your True Self in 2025


Reflecting on Life Lessons, Home, and the Journey to Authenticity