Reflecting on Life Lessons, Home, and the Journey to Authenticity

Her Spirit and Wisdom Inspired My Journey of Healing and New Book

Today, November 26th, is my mom's birthday. She was born in Portland, Oregon, and moved to Italy in 1970. Since I was a little girl, the fall season has been very special as I celebrated my birthday in early October, followed by my mom's celebration week in late November, including the Thanksgiving holiday; in some years, it landed on the same day.

Mom was an excellent cook, and not only did she match and often surpass my dad's fantastic Italian cooking, but she could craft the most delicious traditional Thanksgiving feast. Of course, as you can imagine, living in Italy, many extended family members and friends would be sarcastically skeptical about the menu. Why in the world would you pour this 'gravy thing' over the turkey, and why is this stuffing such a big deal? Sometimes, we would have some American friends over for this special meal, and I always felt like I was in a movie.

At Multnomah Falls in 1997

Mom had a deep yearning for 'home' since I could remember, a feeling that transcended physical location and was more about a sense of belonging and comfort. But for years, this feeling manifested as missing the United States and believing that everything over there was far better than here.

This yearning infused every part of my being, so much so that the first opportunity I had to venture on my own, I took it, and at 19 years old, off I went to my American adventure.

Although we never really paid too much attention to the cultural significance of the Thanksgiving holiday, it was a special time for my mom simply because it was a way for her to connect to her roots and bring some of her 'home feeling' into her new reality in another continent. She would wear this elaborate Daughters of the American Revolution-style gown and enjoy creating a warm, loving atmosphere. Throughout the years, I learned from her that you can make 'home' wherever you are. Especially after she fully acknowledged that this ideal of home and belonging was a mental construct and that the true meaning of comfort, security, authenticity, and love is always within grasp as it resides within us. She realized that she had indeed created a beautiful sense of home right where she was in Italy with my dad, my sister, and me. She was loved and grew deep roots in a place that was initially so different and too often very harsh.

Each year around my birthday, I find myself in a contemplative, retrospective state. What I mean by 'retrospective' is a period of reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my growth throughout the year—an opportunity to honor what needs to be released and create space for the new. Especially during this time, I am so grateful for ALL experiences, including yearnings, losses, misperceived successes, and achievements, past and present. Oftentimes, something from the distant past resurfaces to be acknowledged and held in pure unconditional light, like it was kept prisoner for ages but now feels free being seen. Every single step we take leads to the true pot of gold, which is always within, no matter how one chooses to express their authenticity or where to create a home in the physical world.

Mom was a wonderful teacher of resilience and adaptability, finding a positive outlook even after days of processing sorrow, negativity projected by others, and profoundly hurtful experiences. After her cancer diagnosis and the brief five months before her passing in 2010, I was living in Arizona and only had the chance to visit her twice.

I went through months and months of ups and downs, swayed between profound grief and tormenting anger before I could slowly process what was happening internally. Within this gateway of emotional turmoil—what I would now call the underworld or duat—I started to experience the spiral of growth through self-discovery, self-reflection, and a profound desire to understand life as much more than superficial constructs we are made to believe as essential and crucial. Mom's adventurous, rebellious, and curious nature lived within me for as long as I could remember, but I had now become fully awake and the only aspect of myself that wanted to be leading life.

No matter what life presented me with, mom's words were always so encouraging and loving: you know what is right and true for you, you will know what to do, you can do anything.

Sometimes, I didn't believe it, but I knew she wanted to infuse my mind with positivity and hope. Years later, and still now, I hear these words with my spiritual ears, and I know with my whole being that they are true. Even if she might not have been fully conscious of this timeless wisdom back then, she knew that following the heart-mind is the only thing that matters, that listening to the true knowing within is the guiding force I could count upon. I am so grateful for mom showing me my way after her passing. Even though it took me a very long time until I could feel that deep connection with her again, our bond became even stronger once we started dreaming together and experiencing profound shifts in healing and remembrance.

In honor and gratitude for this light-filled connection, I am so happy to share news of my second book. I am deeply humbled to be represented by a major publishing company that will support me in all phases of production with this new project, which came through me in June and July of this year.

The title of my new book is The Eight Keys: Opening to the Mysteries of Cosmic Harmony. These eight keys, presented to me as waystations or gateways of consciousness, offer guidance in navigating the duality and polarity within ourselves and the world around us. I am excited to share more information soon and update you on the production process, including the collaboration with visionary artist Verena Wild on my book cover. We've had such a lovely partnership for the cover of Beads of Light. I am just over the top excited about this next phase of transmissions.

Thank you for being part of this journey. I look forward to discovering new ways to share inspiring messages, healing practices, and teachings that uplift, restore, and renew.

I invite you to explore the many ways we can connect and grow together, and feel free to reach out to me via email or phone (scroll down for contact info).



Tuning Into the Vibrational Essence of Who You Are


Embracing the Sacred Cycle: Honoring What We Release to Welcome What Awaits