Reflections, Insights, and Practices for Embracing Your True Self in 2025

The Light of Self-Acceptance

In the days preceding the winter solstice, I was reminded and deeply moved by the personal and reflective tradition practiced during this time of year by the Nordic traditions. It's a beautiful practice that anyone interested can explore. Here is a great resource: Inner Practices for the Twelve Nights of Yuletide by Anne Stallkamp and Werner Hartung.

As some of you know, active dreaming is one of my preferred spiritual practices. I regularly become involved in beautiful exchanges and collaborations during my dreams, not just at night while my body is asleep but also by actively engaging in visionary journeys while in a deep meditative state. Before entering dreamtime, I ask my higher self and spiritual guides questions to show me what I'm ready to see or understand. I usually receive visual and hearing impressions. This has been a practice for many years, but I’ve never spoken about it to anyone, not just because it feels so private and I didn’t know how to explain it, but also because, honestly, I’d feel awkward getting those looks…..but that was back then, now…that’s all I want to talk about!

So this year, I brought my attention to the Yuletide practice of self-reflection, a transformative method that allows us to access the inner teacher in self-discovery. This practice, where I purposefully asked for a specific word or sentence and corresponding message that would reflect the insights for each month of the upcoming year, is truly inspiring and motivating.

Starting on December 20th, I asked for an overall message for the year first, and the subsequent nights/mornings revealed a message for each month. Just like an internal alarm, I would wake up in the early morning hours with specific words and messages resounding in my heart and ears, urging me to get my pen and paper and transcribe word for word.

After a few days, I felt strongly that these messages were for a specific upcoming month, but they were also to be used to reflect on the previous 12 months. For example, when we come to the March message, it may be beneficial for you to meditate on your experiences from the previous March and follow your own intuition, which will present you precisely what is right for you to see.

We are working on merging the following energies: 'where I came from,' 'who I am now,' and 'where I am going.'

With this brief introduction, I'd like to share that as these messages are relevant to me, they will also likely resonate with others. If so, sharing these messages is the best way to allow openings and expansions. Try not to take in the words with the intellect or logic but with the heart-mind. The left-brain ego mindset may not fully understand, which is fine, as it is not designed to capture soul language in its entirety (more on this another time), but the newly renewed heart-mind energy is All-Knowing. Therefore, just feel and know you can return to the post anytime.

Following, you will find the Dream Message for the year 2025. I will also provide a brief reflection and spiritual practices that can support the message.


Dream Message for the year 2025

The words SELF-ACCEPTANCE are heard repeatedly, over and over, in my ears as I enter the awake state from dreamtime. I know they are making sure I can remember these words: Self-Acceptance.

Inspired Message

Experience this level of consciousness deeply and in a new way for you will see your body release the old pain. Experiencing distorted fire of any form in the bodies, such as inflammation, for example, is the result of your soul wanting to be fully heard while the ego/thinking self still believes she can run the whole show. But as you know very well deep within, the truth is that the ego sees 1% of anything, yet you still follow her lead blindly, while the soul knows everything in its entirety. So why is there still so much struggle when the doorway you seek is the final surrender into the natural state of freedom? Self-acceptance of your journey and the processes seen and unseen are your remarkable way to express the Cosmic Mind in her creative Pulse. A new light is shining within, and it wants to expand through the restrictions of old, unseen aspects that are sourcing resistant pain. We speak of pain on all levels, what you experience as rigid thinking, delusions, illusions, extremes in reactivity, and physical ailments. There is no more reason to feel as if you did something wrong if pain presents itself and persists, as this perception is linked to the 1%. Do you see? Self-Acceptance is that doorway.

State the following aloud:

Life is joyful and manageable. I flow with grace and peace. I am caring and precious as I fully accept my entire being for the intelligence she holds as an expression of the infinite Cosmic Mind. I am filled with the light of the universal heart, and my knowing facilitated expansion. I trust myself, my intuition, my inner voice, as I trust the unseen eternal force of all Life. I am this force.

Is it that easy? You may doubt, and the answer is Yes, it is. It's a matter of shifting vibration by 0.3 degrees into your infinite tune of alignment. This 'infinite tune of alignment' is your unique frequency that resonates with the fabric of the universe, the eternal intelligence that holds worlds together, manifesting in humanity as fractal holograms, each one with a specific tune and purpose. When you align with this frequency, you feel the shift in vibration, and the connection to the true essence of Life becomes unmistakable, echoing a familiar language of knowing. This is where you are meant to operate from. Deliberately step into this vibration. Align and calibrate each day. There will be no more doubt as you come to truly recognize and know this is your true self in service and freedom.

Thank you.


It is no surprise to me that the message of Self-Acceptance echoed so strongly, as it is a prominent principle in my upcoming book, The Eight Keys: Opening to the Mysteries of Cosmic Harmony.

Here is a brief excerpt on Acceptance, and I look forward to sharing more about The Eight Keys with you soon.

"Acceptance is a transformative force, similar to a calm, flowing river that brings peace and harmony to all aspects of our being. It is the art of becoming like water, understanding, forgiving, and making peace with all facets of ourselves. This profound shift in perspective allows us to embrace life, and the resulting peace naturally ripples out to repair and strengthen connections. 

This is the energy of recognizing the symbols and messages our soul presents, instilling a deep sense of trust in our journey. It reassures us that this path is flawlessly designed for us, that there are no mistakes or coincidences, and certainly no room, and no longer a need, for the frequencies of regret."

As a side note, I always end my messages with 'Thank you.' This is to honor my connection to the guidance system and record the retraction of energy or the conclusion of the transmission.


Spiritual Practices to Encourage Self-Acceptance

Self Massage with Hands of Light

You may rub your hands together, creating warmth in your palms through friction and bringing your awareness to the center of your palms. Once they are nice and warm, visualize your palms emanating a brilliant light and know this is an infinite, flowing light with no ending or beginning. It flows naturally from your palms and knows precisely where to go. You will begin spreading this light to all parts of your body.

Begin by rubbing your face in a circular motion with loving care. You don’t necessarily need to touch your face; just a few inches away is perfectly fine. You may feel the warmth of your palms making circular motions over your face. As you rub your face, make it brighter with the warm light emanating from your hands. Move up toward the top of your head, back to your neck, and massage your neck with strong hands and fingers. Then, rub your trapezius muscles on top of your shoulders. Now, bring your hands on your chest, make big circles over your chest, then rub downward toward your belly, caressing your legs down to the knees and shins to the top of your feet. Bring your hands to your lower back and rub your lower back, making it nice and warm, then rub downward toward the Achilles tendons, then come back up and rub down from your shoulders toward your fingers. Do this a few times, rubbing your arms from the shoulders down to your fingers.

Make sure you visualize the bright light emanating from your palms spreading to your whole body and allow this light to permeate every part of your being, feeling so comfortable in this bright, cozy light.

Thank yourself and remember to do this often.

Program Cleansing Waters

Another helpful practice is to program your shower or bath. Infuse the intention of loving care into the water in your shower or bath. Be entirely present while you shower or take a bath, even if this experience is very short. You can tell the water to thoroughly cleanse and take care of all of your communication systems, including the endocrine system and all fluids in your body, and allow the water to purify your energetic structures deeply. The water runs through your body unconditionally, and the loving messages programmed in the water reach the deepest layers of your body. The water accepts you no matter what and washes over you with a sincere and loving mind. Enjoy it and see what messages she offers you back.

Know this work is done as you thank the water and your inner healer for the ability to connect and to be present for this experience.


Shaking the body - QiGong/KiGong practice

In a standing position, with feet hip-width apart, begin by gently bouncing the knees, feeling the bouncing rippling upward toward the spine. Allow the spine to move naturally with your bounce. Shrug your shoulders up and down, or shake your arms. Relax as you take deep breaths in and out. The goal is to soften all joints, muscles, and tendons. If you feel your body is very stiff, it's okay. Continue to bounce the knees gently, and try to do this shaking-vibration practice for at least three minutes.

Once you feel this practice is complete, slowly come to a stop and notice the sensations within and around the body, including your breath and energy flow. Be completely still inside and travel deep within.

This is a powerful ancient practice to become present, quiet the mind, and release detrimental energies, helping you feel your essence beyond thoughts, emotions, or the physical form.

I usually like to do the hands of light self-massage after Vibration practice. Try it!

Affirmations & Writing

Lastly, read the affirmations that came through in the inspired message above, do this often, and try to read them aloud. You can write them down and even write about them in your journal. If it works for you, you can make notes on your calendar and agenda.

Remind yourself of Self-Acceptance as often as you can.

Remember, these are just a few of the many practices that can reinforce these messages and guide our inward journey. You might already have your own precious routines and rituals that bring you to a place of spaciousness and joy. Sometimes, we need simple and effortless practices. I'm happy to share a few ideas, but there's a whole world of possibilities out there.


Circulation: An Active Consciousness


Tuning Into the Vibrational Essence of Who You Are