Circulation: An Active Consciousness

Circulation: An Active Consciousness

Inspired Dream Message ~ January 2025

Insights and Practices for Deep Connection and Flow

“Circulation facilitates a more profound merging with universal laws, as if it reflected the process of breathing, creating further coherence, cohesion, and collaboration to in-gather more aspects of the true self, the infinite intelligence fractal.”

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Reflecting on Life Lessons, Home, and the Journey to Authenticity

Reflecting on Life Lessons, Home, and the Journey to Authenticity

Her Spirit and Wisdom Inspired My Journey of Healing and New Book

"Mom was a wonderful teacher of resilience and adaptability, finding a positive outlook even after days of processing sorrow, negativity projected by others, and profoundly hurtful experiences. Her words were always so encouraging and loving: 'You know what is right and true for you, you will know what to do, and you can do anything.' Even if I didn’t fully believe it at the time, I now hear these words with my spiritual ears, and I know with my whole being that they are true. Listening to the true knowing within is the guiding force I can count upon."

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