Circulation: An Active Consciousness
Each month, I share an inspired dream message, followed by reflections and spiritual practices to help integrate the channeled wisdom.
The guiding theme for this transformative year, 2025, is Self-Acceptance—you can read more about it HERE. By keeping self-acceptance at the forefront of our awareness, we learn to trust our unique path, guided by our higher self and spiritual support systems. This trust allows us to move through our journey with curiosity and openness, embracing more of our true essence along the way.
This month, we’ll explore the theme of Circulation and how it nurtures self-awareness and deepens our connection to ourselves and the world around us.
Dream Message for January 2025
Inspired Message
~ Circulation ~
The phenomenon of information moving through your systems, whether it is the physical, including the chemical messengers’ journey and protein production, or the intricate communication systems related to the energetic structures, highlights the deep interconnectedness of these worlds.
Circulation is an active consciousness of dynamic cleansing and restoring the various aspects of functioning processes that allow you to operate more smoothly in this reality of duality-polarity. It is multidimensional as it operates on all layers of time, densities, and dimensions.
Therefore, Circulation plays a crucial role in enhancing your self-awareness and recognizing the purpose and impact of each step on your path. It supports you in being far more effective in communication between the denser and less dense worlds you participate in.
Circulation, in its essence, facilitates a more profound merging with universal laws, as if it mirrored the process of breathing. This process creates further coherence, cohesion, and collaboration while you in-gather more aspects of the true self, the infinite intelligence fractal.
The consciousness of Circulation is present in Inspiration and actively promotes movement forward, led by the ideas received in your true alignment tune when you are resonating at your signature frequency. In that space, you understand the how and the what, guided by this active yet gentle intelligence running through you.
Thank you.
This message about Circulation is about becoming more aware of all the conscious communication systems we are part of. These systems, which can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, are the intricate network through which we interact with the world and ourselves. Observing them as if we were guests in this network can help us gain a deeper understanding of our place in it. Even if we only consider the multiple levels of our physical form and whether we have a complete understanding of our physiology. Then, we can consider all the other unseen circulatory structures that make up the network of information exchange with the quantum fields. I also feel strongly this is a call to action, where the underlying energy acts as a gentle push.
We may find ourselves hesitant, waiting to know more or something of that nature, but we’re being advised to just take a small step. This step forward, no matter how small, can be a powerful catalyst for change, an opening to wonderful possibilities. Whether focusing solely on physical stimulation or engaging with the mental and spiritual realms, every act contributes to the flow. Practices such as deep contemplation, journaling, or prayer can open pathways for emotional and spiritual Circulation, aligning your internal systems with greater harmony and awareness.
Circulation always involves some form of release so the new can come through. Think of the cardiovascular system. Sometime last year, I received a beautiful imagery. I was shown that each physical function has a corresponding operating system in the astral and spiritual realms. It’s fascinating and makes complete sense. We are not just matter but a combination of essences. More on this another time.
The main message here is to renew our energy. If physical stimulation is what allows you to open up and increase Circulation, that’s your doorway, but we are talking about a vaster concept of Circulation, which will enable us to integrate information throughout all of our systems effortlessly, upgrading to more refined communication and inspiration levels, internal and external, including the profound interconnectedness with the consciousness of Earth herself.
Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment and connecting with yourself in her entirety and everything around you, plus the wonderful happenings of the Minds. Even spending a few moments as you sip your coffee or tea in the morning just being with the warm cup, with your breath, with nothing to do at all, or needing things to be different than they seem. The simplicity of mindfulness practices can make you feel at ease and bring you comfort.
Simplifying your surroundings and taking time to declutter is a powerful mindfulness practice that improves circulation on multiple levels. This release of the excess, whether physical clutter or mental noise, opens up space for new energy and ideas to flow through.
Every day, dedicate time to connect with yourself. The most important relationship you have is with your own being. Through mindfulness and simplicity, you nurture this connection and invite profound insights and healing. Even in seemingly mundane tasks, such as choosing a vitamin supplement, this state of awareness allows you to tune in to what your body and spirit genuinely need.
Our bodies themselves are extraordinary systems of consciousness. Becoming intimate with the language of the body not only deepens your understanding but also empowers you to release outdated information, nourish yourself, and move forward with clarity and alignment. The body’s consciousness is a powerful gateway to evolution, revealing blockages and pathways to enhance circulation processes in every sense, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
By listening to the wisdom of the body and simplifying life, we create a harmonious space for multidimensional circulation to occur, connecting us with ourselves, the Earth, and beyond.
Spiritual Practices to Encourage Circulation
Chanting, toning, singing.
This is not a practice reserved for those who consider themselves talented in singing. It's not about form or technique or even sounding ‘good’; it's about using your powerful voice vibrations and allowing your entire body to absorb these sounds. If it's terribly uncomfortable for you, it's okay, but try anyway. Sing a favorite song while driving your car, or just make vowel sounds. It doesn't matter. Do it! And loudly. Allow your body to hear your voice. You'll feel the difference as the energy in the heart and throat complex circulates sound and recalibrates, leaving you feeling more energized, expansive, and balanced.
Total Body Tapping
By tapping the whole body while taking deep breaths in through the nose and as you exhale through the mouth, making AHH sounds, you're creating a deep connection with your body. Ensure you can hear yourself taking deep, long sighs and create a long sound to fully exhale and release. It's a powerful way to connect with your body and your breath, and it's truly amazing.
Body tapping is a very ancient practice that offers a multitude of benefits. We can release stagnant energies, facilitate the shedding of old cells, and rebuilding of new cells faster. It improves circulation on all levels, not just physical well-being, but also supports communication with our energetic and spiritual bodies. When I practice tapping my entire body with rhythmic music, such as drumming, I experience a profound sense of release and increased focus at the same time. I let go of thinking and bring my attention deeply to the physical sensations, where my hands are wanting to go, to the sound and rhythm, and most importantly, my breath. It's an awesome practice that I highly recommend!
Bowing Meditation - Sincerity Training
Excerpt from Beads of Light:
Reverence & Honor Toward the Work of Becoming
The Wab or Uab is one of my favorite hieroglyphs. Uab is the temple priestess and priest. This temple figure must be completely pure in order to handle temple affairs and to do the work of the god. The hieroglyph depicting the Uab is a leg with a vase tilting forward, pouring water, later adopted as the symbol of Aquarius. The meaning is that of purification. Prepare to enter the temple. Prepare for sacred work. When I see the Uab, it not only reminds me of the enormous importance of purifying our minds to do higher quality vibration-destined work, the work of our aligned self, but it also reminds me of bowing practice, which I learned as I began my training.
Bowing involves folding the upper body forward. In a half bow, we greet others and recognize our own divinity is reflected in the other; we are made of the same essence. As a full bow, we bring our forehead, chest, and palms to the Earth; we then rise, reconnecting to the skies, creating a full circle, a rhythmic motion emptying our minds, bridging the entire universe within and around our physical bodies. Through bowing practice, we also fully open our energy meridians and our internal chakra system as well as activate all of our joints, tendons, and muscles. It is such a beautiful practice, referred to as sincerity training. It is still the one type of training I will do before meeting with clients, as I prepare for sessions, and when I want to begin any kind of sacred work. I will also practice sincerity training when I’m struggling, tired, confused, and unsettled. This practice always allows me to return to spaciousness, presence, and neutrality, where I feel fully balanced and grounded. It’s one practice that helps me show up and take care of myself, informing the minds that I am here and want to go deeper.
Transferring our thoughts, emotions, and plans onto paper, whether through journaling or even making a simple to-do list, is an excellent way to circulate energy and create mental space, especially when we feel emotionally or mentally congested. If physical activity isn’t an option in a particular moment, taking time to write yourself a letter, for example, can be a deeply beneficial practice.
Remember, these are just a few of the many practices that can reinforce these messages and guide our inward journey. You might already have your own precious routines and rituals that bring you to a place of spaciousness and joy. Sometimes, we need simple and effortless practices. I'm happy to share a few ideas, but there's a whole world of possibilities out there.