There is a profound transformation in the depth of the sacred temple. You know the temple to be a place of reverence, where all is known, where the innate healing abilities lie, the place of the mysteries and All-Time wisdom. This temple is your own unique house of learning, your physical body while here on Earth, and you know it also means the temple contains the less dense aspects of who you are, including the energetic-spiritual fields surrounding the form. The temple is the container of the soul's pulsating light.
Some of you may be experiencing a more significant glimpse of the powerful waves of change that have begun to surface for some time. Others may simply experience mild external phenomena, such as chaotic and doomed-like outer scenarios. It does not matter as there isn't a right or wrong way to become aware or experience transformation. Your experience is unique and perfectly designed just for you.
This profound transformation allows you to see more clearly that worlds merge and breathe as one being, and that is the constant movement represented by what you call consciousness, the cosmic mind, or infinite intelligence. When you recognize that light is also present in that which is dark, inner workings begin to shift so that your outer experience presents you with additional opportunities to experience the constant flow and dance of light with dark, dark with light.
With the intent to offer a supportive practice, you are encouraged to reach the depths of your being by grounding and connecting with the heart and rhythm of Earth as much as you can. Allow your body to be present with the mind of the Earth. This is the technology that allows you to experience more clarity as the connections to the soul-spirit complex through the top of the head and energetic fields beyond this point can become fully activated, intentionally cleared, and support your integration process in a more expansive way. The deeper you descend into the heart of the Earth, the higher you can ascend into the cosmos, each depth mirrored by an equal height.
Consider what prevents you from being present with your physical form as an expression of Earth's consciousness. Earth's consciousness is the collective energy and wisdom of all living things, and by connecting with it, you can gain a deeper understanding of your place in the universe and your interconnectedness with all of Life.
Although some may doubt this concept, there is so much support and guidance. The design of the experience after birth is that of being separated from everything. You can understand that this is a perception that permeates every thought form. You've been operating with one single blurry filter, which you sometimes call 'isolation.'
This means that everything sourced through this lens is spoiled by the illusion of separation and the delusion that you are not me, that what you observe in nature is not part of you, and that what you see in others is not a reflection of yourself.
This sense of isolation can hinder your spiritual growth and self-discovery, as it creates a barrier between you and the interconnectedness of all Life.
You are beginning to reconsider another way of being, and guidance is always here to present you with opportunities to rediscover the clear filter.
There is a beautifully designed mechanism of harmony that creates resolution on many levels of your being. The heart portal begins to expand in new ways, able to balance that which caused this intelligence to shrink, contract, and shut down and staying fully open to receive that which comes for the land of Light, of the ancestors, star families, companions, and Earth.
You are the hero of your new story. Every step you take in your spiritual journey is a heroic act of self-discovery and growth. Not one thing is happening by chance. Great illumination occurs as you step into acceptance and self-love, dissolving the rigidity of any form of structure and returning slowly and gracefully to moving with the currents. Embrace your role as the leading actor of your story, and know that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and transformation.
As the hero, it's time to be brave, to honestly and humbly face your fears, and to create a new set of experiences that are more in tune with your soul's light frequency than what you were made to fit in.
Remember the spiral metaphor: you may not fully realize that you're in an ever-moving current with a vast circular base, continuously ascending as you discover more and more of your own unique vibration. As you approach the tightest turns, you experience strong winds, contractions, and resistance. This is only a perception; you come closer to what feels like the zero point, the eye of the hurricane, preparing to enter yet another cycle of learning. The spiral never stops as it follows the laws of the cosmic mind.
To the left-brain ego and small mind, this journey may feel like torture because it is composed of dense energy. Yet, to the soul, it is an experience of excitement and more profound self-discovery. It knows itself even more, offering tools, resources, and guidance in ways the small mind can grasp.
And still, there is only the the option to move forward as you progress with a new quality of strength, resilience, and high-heart courage, more brilliant than before, feeling a deeper alignment. Alignment, meaning the ability to embody and consciously experience more of your own light.