We are right in the middle of 'FIRE' element season. The Fire element is associated with the Heart and Small Intestine, it governs blood circulation and it is related to a deeper level of purification. In ancient East Asian traditions, the Heart is where the Mind lives, or where the Soul enters the body, the Mind being the Soul (not the brain )
In this past month or so, I noticed a need to balance Fire and Water elements in a much deeper way. When we have too much Fire in the heart, we may experience feeling unbalanced, some restlessness, anxiety, trouble sleeping as well as any type of inflammation in the body. When Fire energy circulation is unbalanced, it tends to rise to our high-heart, neck, upper back and head. This causes a lot of other uncomfortable sensations, not just physically, but emotionally as well. Our natural state, when Fire energy is balanced, is to experience a sense of Joy and Grace; we are able to return to this neutral open space quickly when things occur in our day-to-day life that push us to one extreme or the other.
The most ancient and simple principle of good health is to keep our head cool and our belly warm. We now also have all kinds of science to prove this principle to be the key to a deeper gut/brain connection. How cool is that ??
This week, I encourage us to focus on intestine exercises to balance Fire energy in the Heart, as well as alignment work. It is more effective to work on the partner organ (the Small Intestine) than on the Heart directly, makes sense? This process then supports the expansion of our lower dahn jon (2nd chakra), the ability to feel grounded and whole.