Supporting Growth & the Healing Journey
Cosmic Ocean Frequencies™
Energy Cultivation & Internal Alchemy
Light Language & Movement-Based Transmissions
Angelic Earth Resonance™
Sessions | Workshops | Retreats
Across ancient traditions, the primordial waters—the Cosmic Ocean—have always been revered as the origin of all creation. This limitless, fluid intelligence holds the pure state of unlimited potential, where form is manifested, dissolved, and reborn in an eternal rhythm. Within it, the harmonious energies of Yin and Yang, Feminine and Masculine, flow in a ceaseless natural confluence.
Cosmic Ocean Frequencies™ represents the boundless Self, inseparable from the Cosmic Mind. It is the living current of infinite intelligence, flowing through all existence, guiding us toward remembrance and transformation.
The Cosmic Ocean calls upon us to embrace the unseen currents of life, surrender to the flow of divine intelligence, and trust in the waves of transformation.
"Frequencies" is the key to unlocking the universal quantum field. We are constantly immersed in an ocean of vibrational energies. Through purification, refinement, and conscious attunement, we restore harmony within ourselves, realigning with our natural, expanded state of being.
At the heart of Cosmic Ocean Frequencies™ is the alchemy of self-realization, a path of embracing multidimensional consciousness, refining the soul's infinite creative force, and embodying higher states of awareness. Through light-coded transmissions, energy cultivation, and vibrational alignment, we awaken to the deeper aspects of who we truly are.
This is not just a practice—it is a remembering. It is the return to the divine rhythm of existence.

Enrica's holistic healing sessions are a vibrational transmission—an activation of the body's natural intelligence and soul remembrance.
Through a unique blend of Energy Cultivation, Angelic Earth Resonance™, and Light Language, these sessions facilitate deep healing, multidimensional expansion, and a profound return to your cosmic self, offering a profound journey of transformation.
Her work is a convergence of sacred ancient wisdom traditions, interweaving Taoist Internal Alchemy, Hermetic Mystery Schools, and Hyperborean frequencies. It is guided by collective wisdom lineages attuned to Sirius, Pleiades, and Lyra. Through vibrational resonance and the alchemy of energetic transformation, these frequencies activate the light body, attuning it to harmonics that facilitate profound healing states. These transmissions serve as light bridges, linking Earth's crystalline grid with the cosmic field, anchoring higher consciousness and ancient healing traditions into the physical realm.
Through QiGong (KiGong) practices, individuals activate their natural healing abilities and regulate the flow of energy throughout their being, releasing stagnant energy, restoring inner peace and balance, and attuning to the natural rhythms of creation.
With Angelic Earth Resonance™, Enrica guides individuals through a powerful somatic experience that integrates energy healing, sound healing, and intuitive guidance, supporting accelerated expansion and recalibration on mental, spiritual, and energetic levels.
Light Language—the "language of the soul”—is transmitted as a multidimensional healing technology, facilitating spiritual growth, shedding old patterns, and anchoring higher aspects of the self into physical manifestation. Transmissions of multidimensional frequencies through voice, movement, and vibrational alignment activate deep soul remembrance.
These modalities work synergistically to reconnect individuals with their multidimensional selves, harmonize with the laws of nature, and catalyze profound shifts toward holistic well-being and empowerment.
In each session, Enrica channels Light Language through physical motion and vocal transmissions carrying healing words of light, delivering unique messages tailored to the individual. These words and movements, which can resemble rapid or slow-flowing Qigong forms, offer distinct healing frequencies designed to support growth, expand awareness, and guide individuals through their healing journey. The transmissions allow for a deeper connection with spirit guides and the higher aspects of our true self, enabling access to the soul's light and wisdom.
Each session is recorded, providing a valuable resource for continued integration practice. This allows individuals to revisit the healing experience, nurturing and supporting their ongoing journey.
Individuals may choose to follow along with the movements or simply visualize the energy flowing through their multidimensional fields. Over time, these practices lead to a renewed connection with the magnificent source of our true nature, resulting in a profound sense of clarity, inner calm, restored balance, and an overall uplifting experience that leaves individuals feeling peaceful and centered.

Supporting and Nurturing Your Journey

Earth is Life’s domain for the training journey
Let’s train together
Sessions can be conducted remotely via Zoom, Meet, Skype or WhatsApp
In-person sessions are offered in The Healing Room at my home office in Orte, VT Italy

Enrica is passionate about discovering our natural healing abilities and supporting others in their healing journey. She is a certified Angelic Earth Resonance™ practitioner, Energy Intuitive, an experienced, certified Energy Movement Teacher, Change Facilitator, and Published Author.
Enrica was trained in the ancient East Asian Sun Do healing philosophy. She incorporates these fundamental energy principles and practices into all aspects of her life and healing modalities.
Her mission is to empower individuals by activating the natural ability to create true and lasting health, harmony, and peace. She strongly believes in the significance of self-change and its direct contribution to the overall health of those around us, the collective, and the Earth.
Enrica is your guide, empowering your journey of growth, healing, and ascension in the new paradigm.
Remember what it truly means to be in harmony with the laws of nature, bridging the minds and rediscovering our multidimensional self, ancestors, and star families.